Sujay Rao Mandavilli: IT professional, Anthropologist, Researcher and Post-colonial thinker.

Sujay Rao Mandavilli

Institute for the study of the globalisation of science

Scholars and Intellectuals for Mankind (SCHIMA)

Movement for open, transparent, high-quality and ideology-free science

Founded by

Sujay Rao Mandavilli

Sujay Rao Mandavilli is an IT professional and a born-again Anthropologist, researcher and post-colonial thinker with major contributions to various fields of Anthropology and Social Sciences. He completed his Masters in Anthropology from the prestigious “Indira Gandhi National Open University” (IGNOU) in New Delhi, India in 2020 with a first class. He has made major contributions to Anthropological Economics, the Sociology of Science, theories of socio-cultural change, Identity theory, Historiography, language dynamics, scientific method, the philosophy of science, Indo-European studies, the Aryan Problem, and the identity of the Harappans. He also has a large number of basic and foundational contributions to scientific method. His hypothesis is that most fields of Social sciences which are based on a study on social and cultural variables, are based on old Eurocentric paradigms, and that better theories can only come from intellectual multipolarity, and Ethnographic data collected from different parts of the world. He believes this will lead to better scientific research, and greatly boost scientific output in different parts of the world that have hitherto lagged behind the West in scientific research. He also believes intellectual revolutions and enlightenments are required in different parts of the world, like they have taken place in the west.
He has over seventy core research publications and eight books. All his publications have been republished in Social Science Research Network, or SSRN. He is the Founder-Director of the Institute for the Study of the Globalization of Science (Registered as the Globalization of Science Trust) which is has already started empaneling a group of researchers and scientists to plan its next course of action. He strongly believes that the ‘Globalization of Science’, with a particular emphasis on the social sciences, must become one of the major movements of the Twenty-first century as we move away from colonialism and imperialism. He has also founded a think tank called “Scholars and intellectuals for mankind” (SCHIMA), another think tank called the “Open, transparent, high-quality, and ideology-free science movement” riding piggyback on his large number of publications on scientific method, and a blog called “Abhilasha: This is not utopia”. Among his other missions, are revitalizing pedagogy for the twenty-first century, and reexamining the role of religion in the twenty-first century for which strategies have been devised. He has also launched a youtube channel in furtherance of these goals.
Also refer his publications on Researchgate.



India Achievers Award, 2020
India Achievers Forum
InRes Research Excellence Award, 2024
Institute of Researchers, (Institution of Biomedical Engineers (India)), Recognized and accredited by MSME

The six pillars of his mission

He had founded the “Institute for the study of the globalization of science” (ISGOS) in 2017, which was registered in India as “The globalization of science trust”. He had also launched the think tank “Scholars and intellectuals for mankind”, (SCHIMA) subsequently, and another think tank called the “Open, transparent and high-quality science movement”. The following are the six pillars of the movement in a nutshell:


Revitalizing various fields of the social sciences for the twenty-first century and beyond by moving them beyond colonialism and imperialism: This is the reason why we had published over seventy core papers, and eight books all of which are online.


Creating intellectual revolutions in various parts of the developing world on the lines of the renaissance and enlightenment that took place in Europe a couple of centuries ago. We had published a paper on twenty-first century intellectualism in 2023. In addition refer to our various other papers which contribute to this mission.


Rearming pedagogy and education systems for the twenty-first century and beyond. We had published papers on anthropological pedagogy, and the sociology of science, besides a book on rebooting and revitalizing pedagogy for the twenty-first century pedagogy.


Modulating the role of religion in the twenty-first century and beyond through better education, social sciences research techniques, and a concerted effort among governments. Refer to our book on the role played by religion in the twenty-first century and beyond.


Developing bottom up developing models for the developing world which would contribute to our other objectives as well. Refer to our papers on anthropological economics, and our book on economic development models.


Environmental movements must be integrated, holistic, and must also take into account and consideration, the needs and requirements of people in developing countries. We also need to launch the “Low populations for the environment” movement (LOPE movement) as relatively low birth rates can lead to an “Evergreen demographic boon”. We also simultaneously need to launch a “High-quality human resources movement” for better quality human resources.

Publications can be found at the following link

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